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Collabora Online Q & A 問題處理

這是在記錄 Collabora Online 遇到問題所處理的方法

更新後 loolwsd 服務無法正常運行

剛好在群組看到可以更新,但是更新後會有問題,所以我也來試著更新,結果一樣是有問題,那這個改版有增加一些新的功能及設定,遇到問題有兩個解決方式 版本 loolwsd 4.0 更新 loolwsd 4.2

方案1、使用 loolwsd 新版設定檔

更新後,系統會安裝一個新版的 loolwsd 設定檔,檔名為 loolwsd.xml.rpmnew ,直接修改這個檔案並且把副檔名改成 .xml 即可,那修改內容就之前設定一樣,請參考本站的記錄 NextCloud 結合 Collabora Online 線上編輯 裡面的 collabora 設定檔 即可,記得要重啟 loolwsd 服務

方案2、修改舊的 loolwsd 設定檔

直接修改舊版的,我是用使用 VSCode 編輯軟體來做兩個版本做比對修改,我是增加兩段語法之後重啟服務就可以正常運行了,其他微調的語法可以選擇性修改。

  • 修改前
    <storage desc="Backend storage">
        <filesystem allow="false" />
        <wopi desc="Allow/deny wopi storage. Mutually exclusive with webdav." allow="true">
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">localhost</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">10\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.1[6789]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.2[0-9]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.3[01]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="false">192\.168\.1\.1</host>
            <max_file_size desc="Maximum document size in bytes to load. 0 for unlimited." type="uint">0</max_file_size>
            <reuse_cookies desc="When enabled, cookies from the browser will be captured and set on WOPI requests." type="bool" default="false">false</reuse_cookies>
        <webdav desc="Allow/deny webdav storage. Mutually exclusive with wopi." allow="false">
            <host desc="Hostname to allow" allow="false">localhost</host>
  • 修改後
    <storage desc="Backend storage">
        <filesystem allow="false" />
        <wopi desc="Allow/deny wopi storage. Mutually exclusive with webdav." allow="true">
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">localhost</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">10\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.1[6789]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.2[0-9]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">172\.3[01]\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="true">192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
            <host desc="Regex pattern of hostname to allow or deny." allow="false">192\.168\.1\.1</host>
            <max_file_size desc="Maximum document size in bytes to load. 0 for unlimited." type="uint">0</max_file_size>
            <reuse_cookies desc="When enabled, cookies from the browser will be captured and set on WOPI requests." type="bool" default="false">false</reuse_cookies>
        <locking desc="Locking settings">
	        <refresh desc="How frequently we should re-acquire a lock with the storage server, in seconds (default 15 mins) or 0 for no refresh"
			 type="int" default="900">900</refresh>
        <webdav desc="Allow/deny webdav storage. Mutually exclusive with wopi." allow="false">
            <host desc="Hostname to allow" allow="false">localhost</host>
      <ssl desc="SSL settings">
            <enable type="bool" desc="Controls whether SSL encryption between storage and loolwsd is enabled. Defaults when empty to following the ssl.enable setting"></enable>
            <cert_file_path desc="Path to the cert file" relative="false"></cert_file_path>
            <key_file_path desc="Path to the key file" relative="false"></key_file_path>
            <ca_file_path desc="Path to the ca file" relative="false"></ca_file_path>
            <cipher_list desc="List of OpenSSL ciphers to accept. If empty the defaults are used. These can be overriden only if absolutely needed."></cipher_list>
  • 選擇修改
    <tile_cache_path desc="Path to a directory where to keep the tile cache." type="path" relative="false" default="/var/cache/loolwsd"></tile_cache_path>

    <lo_template_path desc="Path to a LibreOffice installation tree to be copied (linked) into the jails for child processes. Should be on the same file system as systemplate." type="path" relative="false" default="/opt/collaboraoffice6.0"></lo_template_path>

    <server_name desc="Hostname:port of the server running loolwsd. If empty, it's derived from the request." type="string" default=""></server_name>
    <server_name desc="External hostname:port of the server running loolwsd. If empty, it's derived from the request (please set it if this doesn't work). Must be specified when behind a reverse-proxy or when the hostname is not reachable directly." type="string" default=""></server_name>

    <memproportion desc="The maximum percentage of system memory consumed by all of the LibreOffice Online, after which we start cleaning up idle documents" type="double" default="80.0"></memproportion>
    <memproportion desc="The maximum percentage of system memory consumed by all of the Collabora Online Development Edition, after which we start cleaning up idle documents" type="double" default="80.0"></memproportion>

        <limit_virt_mem_kb desc="The maximum virtual memory allowed to each document process. 0 for unlimited, 1700 min." type="uint">0</limit_virt_mem_kb>
        <limit_virt_mem_mb desc="The maximum virtual memory allowed to each document process. 0 for unlimited." type="uint">0</limit_virt_mem_mb>

        <limit_data_mem_kb desc="The maximum memory data segment allowed to each document process. 0 for unlimited." type="uint">0</limit_data_mem_kb>

    <per_document desc="Document-specific settings, including LO Core settings.">
        <limit_load_secs desc="Maximum number of seconds to wait for a document load to succeed. 0 for unlimited." type="uint" default="100">100</limit_load_secs>
    <per_document desc="Document-specific settings, including LO Core settings.">
        <limit_load_secs desc="Maximum number of seconds to wait for a document load to succeed. 0 for unlimited." type="uint" default="100">100</limit_load_secs>
        <limit_convert_secs desc="Maximum number of seconds to wait for a document conversion to succeed. 0 for unlimited." type="uint" default="100">100</limit_convert_secs>

        <out_of_focus_timeout_secs desc="The maximum number of seconds before dimming and stopping updates when the browser tab is no longer in focus. Defaults to 60 seconds." type="uint" default="60">60</out_of_focus_timeout_secs>
        <out_of_focus_timeout_secs desc="The maximum number of seconds before dimming and stopping updates when the browser tab is no longer in focus. Defaults to 120 seconds." type="uint" default="120">120</out_of_focus_timeout_secs>

        <color type="bool">true</color>
        <level type="string" desc="Can be 0-8, or none (turns off logging), fatal, critical, error, warning, notice, information, debug, trace" default="warning">warning</level>
        <file enable="false">
        <color type="bool">true</color>
        <level type="string" desc="Can be 0-8, or none (turns off logging), fatal, critical, error, warning, notice, information, debug, trace" default="warning">warning</level>
	<protocol type="bool" descr="Enable minimal client-site JS protocol logging from the start">false</protocol>
        <file enable="false">
            <filenames type="bool" desc="Enable to anonymize/obfuscate filenames in logs. If default is true, it was forced at compile-time and cannot be disabled." default="false">false</filenames>
            <usernames type="bool" desc="Enable to anonymize/obfuscate usernames in logs. If default is true, it was forced at compile-time and cannot be disabled." default="false">false</usernames>
            <anonymize_user_data type="bool" desc="Enable to anonymize/obfuscate of user-data in logs. If default is true, it was forced at compile-time and cannot be disabled." default="false">false</anonymize_user_data>
            <anonymization_salt type="uint" desc="The salt used to anonymize/obfuscate user-data in logs. Use a secret 64-bit random number." default="82589933">82589933</anonymization_salt>
    <net desc="Network settings">
      <proto type="string" default="all" desc="Protocol to use IPv4, IPv6 or all for both">all</proto>
      <listen type="string" default="any" desc="Listen address that loolwsd binds to. Can be 'any' or 'loopback'.">any</listen>
      <service_root type="path" default="" desc="Prefix all the pages, websockets, etc. with this path."></service_root>
      <post_allow desc="Allow/deny client IP address for POST(REST)." allow="true">
        <host desc="The IPv4 private 192.168 block as plain IPv4 dotted decimal addresses.">192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="Ditto, but as IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses">::ffff:192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="The IPv4 loopback (localhost) address.">127\.0\.0\.1</host>
        <host desc="Ditto, but as IPv4-mapped IPv6 address">::ffff:127\.0\.0\.1</host>
        <host desc="The IPv6 loopback (localhost) address.">::1</host>
      <frame_ancestors desc="Specify who is allowed to embed the LO Online iframe (loolwsd and WOPI host are always allowed). Separate multiple hosts by space."></frame_ancestors>
    <net desc="Network settings">
      <proto type="string" default="all" desc="Protocol to use IPv4, IPv6 or all for both">all</proto>
      <listen type="string" default="any" desc="Listen address that loolwsd binds to. Can be 'any' or 'loopback'.">any</listen>
      <service_root type="path" default="" desc="Prefix all the pages, websockets, etc. with this path."></service_root>
      <post_allow desc="Allow/deny client IP address for POST(REST)." allow="true">
        <host desc="The IPv4 private 192.168 block as plain IPv4 dotted decimal addresses.">192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="Ditto, but as IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses">::ffff:192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="The IPv4 loopback (localhost) address.">127\.0\.0\.1</host>
        <host desc="Ditto, but as IPv4-mapped IPv6 address">::ffff:127\.0\.0\.1</host>
        <host desc="The IPv6 loopback (localhost) address.">::1</host>
        <host desc="The IPv4 private subnet (Docker).">172\.17\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
        <host desc="Ditto, but as IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses">::ffff:172\.17\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}</host>
      <frame_ancestors desc="Specify who is allowed to embed the LO Online iframe (loolwsd and WOPI host are always allowed). Separate multiple hosts by space."></frame_ancestors>

        <enable type="bool" desc="Controls whether SSL encryption is enable (do not disable for production deployment). If default is false, must first be compiled with SSL support to enable." default="true">true</enable>
        <enable type="bool" desc="Controls whether SSL encryption between browser and loolwsd is enabled (do not disable for production deployment). If default is false, must first be compiled with SSL support to enable." default="true">true</enable>
